Bus Stations in Alicante, Spain

buses Whether you want to venture up and down the Costa Blanca, visit nearby Valencia, or hit up other regions of Spain, you can essentially go anywhere- and get to Alicante from anywhere, of course- via the buses running out of Alicante's bus station. The principal bus companies that operate out of Alicante's bus station are Elsa, Enatcarm, Bilman Bus and Linebús, so check out schedules and destinations and hit the road!

Estación Central de Autobuses
c/ Portugal, 17
965 13 07 00

Tlf: 965 92 46 60
To/From: Extremadura, Badajoz, Mérida, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Alicante, Murcia, Levante

Tlf: 965 13 00 77
To/From: Andalucía, Madrid, Murcia, Valencia, Castellón, Tarragona, Barcelona

Bilman Bus
Tlf: 965 92 06 93
To/From: Santander, País Vasco, Navarra, costa de Levante, Murcia

Tlf: 965 22 93 36
To/From: Morocco, France, Belgium, etc..