In terms of safety in Alicante, it's essentially a "use your common sense and you'll be fine" situation. Instances of major crime in Alicante are few and far between, however minor crimes such as pick-pocketing and bag-snatching are more widespread. While these are nothing on the crime scale, they are just enough to put a damper on your trip, so keep your eyes open and take precautions- it's better to be safe than sorry!
Some tips:
-Keep an eye on your belongings.
-Women should use purses with zippers and keep them slung across their chests instead of dangling on one shoulder.
-Be especially aware in crowded, touristy areas- naive tourists are the easiest targets for a pick-pocketer.
-Don't carry all of your valuable items- passports, money, credit cards- in one pocket.
-Carry around a copy of your passport, leaving the original behind in your hotel.
-Check to see if your hotel room has a safe. If so, you can securely store extra money, credit cards, your passport, etc.
-Be sensible- for example, don't wave around huge stacks of cash.
Despite the warnings, don't be paranoid- Alicante is a safe city and it's extremely improbable that you'll have any bad experiences during your travels. However, if you are robbed and want to report a theft, you should go to the national police ("policía nacional"). Alicante's main police station, or "comisaría" can be reached at 965 14 88 88.
Ambulance: 965 25 25 25
National Police: 091 or 965 22 11 00
Police Station: 965 14 88 88
Fire: 080 or 965 98 22 22
Municipal/Local Police: 062 or 965 10 72 00
R.E.N.F.E (National Train Service) Tickets: 902 24 02 02
R.E.N.F.E. Information: 902 24 34 02
Post office: 965 21 99 84
Airport: 966 91 90 00
Customs: 965 20 76 46
Embassies & Consulates
If you have a credit card mishap and need to make a cancellation, you can call these toll free numbers:
American Express: 915 72 03 03
MasterCard: 900 97 12 31
Visa: 900 97 44 45
Like all Spanish cities, Alicante has tons of pharmacies- one on practically every corner. Not all of them are open 24 hours, so here are a few that are:
Pascual Molina Ferri
c/ Maestro Caballero, 1
Herederos de Mª Luisa Yanguas
c/ Pintor Zuloaga, 11
María Bach Buendía
c/ Fernando Madroñal, 16-18
Telefarmacia: 965 24 94 34
Alicante is a small city, therefore no matter where you are, if there should be an emergency there's sure to be a hospital close-by. Here are a few:
Hospital General de Alicante
c/ Pintor Baeza, s/n
Tlf: 965 93 83 00
Hospital Perpetuo Socorro
Plaza Doctor Gómez Ulla, 15
Tlf: 965 20 11 00
Hospital General Universitario de Alicante
c/ Maestro Alonso, 109
Tlf: 965 93 83 00
Hospital Internacional Medimar, S.A.
Avda. de Denia, 78
Tlf: 965 16 22 00